Technische Federn GmbH

Environmental policy


We are committed to comprehensive and integrated environmental protection by analyzing products, services and activities in terms of their environmental impact. This includes regulations for planning, implementation and monitoring as well as the definition of responsibilities and rules of conduct and procedure. Targets are set and appropriate measures are taken.

The principles of our environmental policy:

  • The concept of environmental protection is firmly anchored in all functions and at all levels of the company.
  • The environmental awareness of our employees is promoted through continuous training.
  • Our environmental policy also includes our suppliers.
  • We are actively committed to economic environmental protection.
  • Compliance with relevant environmental laws and regulations is a top priority for us.
  • We are constantly developing our production processes and continuously monitor and minimize the use of raw materials, emissions and waste volumes.

Environmental aspects of our company include:

  • We continuously monitor our energy consumption and take various measures to increase energy efficiency and use renewable energies. These include replacing defective fluorescent tubes with energy-saving light sources, using motion detectors, saving energy by regulating compressed air systems and checking and modifying the settings on technical systems. We also carry out training measures to save energy, use the exhaust air from compressors to generate heat and use solar systems
  • Efficient waste management (e.g. documentation of all waste produced, sorting and disposal in accordance with GewAbfV by accredited waste disposal companies. In the area of commercial municipal waste, wood and all organic waste are pre-sorted in addition to paper, cardboard, cardboard packaging and plastics)
  • Use of reusable transport packaging (e.g. use of PE as plastic packaging, use of cardboard or paper with a high recycled content, use of reusable packaging or KLT)
  • Optimization of shipping volume (e.g. needs-based picking, use of load carriers, CO2-neutral shipping)
  • Further development of the environmentally compatible and safe handling of hazardous, environmentally harmful substances, taking into account occupational health and safety in the company (e.g. reduction of storage quantities of environmentally harmful products, testing of substitute substances)
  • We optimize our consumption of raw materials through various measures. These include reducing paper consumption by introducing a document management system and optimizing the processing and use of raw materials. In addition, we consistently plan and implement the recycling and further processing of waste
  • Monitoring of emissions released into the environment (e.g. filter systems in production)
  • We implement and continuously develop an occupational health and safety management system to ensure the health and safety of our employees in the company.

In addition to our environmental measures, a transparent information policy towards employees, contractual partners and authorities is a central component of our environmental strategy.

We expect our suppliers to use natural resources responsibly, protect the environment and comply with international standards for ethical behavior.

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Environmental policy